Castrum Marinum (Extreme)

Emerald Weapon Enrage Timer: ~10:57 DPS Check Requirement: ~83,700+ Average item level 500 or above Your recent victories have led to the discovery of vital information regarding the Weapon project, confirming the existence of a warmachina code-named “Emerald.” It falls to you to spearhead a preemptive strike before this menace can be unleashed upon the […]
Eden’s Promise Eternity (Savage) | E12S

Eden’s Promise (Door) Eden’s Promise | E12S Enrage Timer: ~10:57 DPS Check Requirement: ~126,000+ Average item level 510 or above By our powers combined we are Captain – Fruit Snacks? Tree Lord? Mitron and Gaia did the fusion dance and this is what came of it. Now relive your favorite worst memories from the last […]
Eden’s Promise Anamorphosis (Savage) | E11S

The Fatebreaker | E11S Enrage Timer: ~10:57 DPS Check Requirement: ~106,000+ (125,000 full uptime) Average item level 510 or above Okay but where are his shoes? No seriously why is he barefoot? Mitron wants to pit our memories against us or something to prove a point. Except it’s Ryne’s memory being used, and we’re the […]
Eden’s Promise Litany (Savage) | E10S

The Shadowkeeper | E10S Enrage Timer: ~10:57 DPS Check Requirement: ~111,500+ Average item level 505 or above Who’s a good doggo?! Honestly, not really the Shadowkeeper, but you can pet them anyways. Also remember when you were a kid and used to play with your shadow? This is like that, but with more death. Honestly if […]
Eden’s Promise Umbra (Savage) | E9S

Cloud of Darkness | E9S Enrage Timer: ~10:57 DPS Check Requirement: ~97,000 (98,000 with adds) Average item level 500 or above She is neither a cloud, and honestly she’s rather pale so I’m not really sure how she’s getting this name. Somehow, our conjured memory also decided to give her a pedicure. But it was Gaia’s […]
Stat Tiers
Stat Tiers Determination [table id=4 /] Tenacity [table id=5 /] Direct Hit [table id=7 /] Critical Hit [table id=8 /] Speed for DoT / AA [table id=9 /] Speed for 2.5 GCD [table id=10 /] Piety [table id=11 /]
Hauffen’s Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) Guide

New extreme trial in 5.3, unlocked after completing Hope’s Confluence Main Story Quest and talking with the Minstreling Wanderer in The Crystarium.
The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate)

The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) Enrage Timer: ~14:04 The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate), commonly known as UCoB was released with patch 4.11 on October 31, 2017. With added Wandering Minstrel flair, players relived the tale of the truth behind the Seventh Umbral Calamity in their first (Ultimate) challenge. SUBMIT RESOURCE Full Fight Guides […]
The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate)

Ultima Weapon Enrage Timer: ~14:04 The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate), affectionately known as UWU, was released with patch 4.31 on June 5, 2018. The Wandering Minstrel tells tale of how the Warrior of Light, somehow yet again, bests the Ultimate Weapon and the primals it consumed. SUBMIT RESOURCE Full Fight Guides Text Guides Timelines and Planning […]
The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate)

Alexander Enrage Timer: ~14:04 The Epic of Alexander (Ultimate), commonly known as TEA, was released with patch 5.11 on November 11, 2019. Players face a series of bosses from the entirety of the Alexander raid series that accompanied the Heavensward expansion. SUBMIT RESOURCE Full Fight Guides Text Guides Video Guides Fight Resources Timelines and Planning […]