Eden's Promise (Door)
Eden's Promise | E12S
By our powers combined we are Captain – Fruit Snacks? Tree Lord? Mitron and Gaia did the fusion dance and this is what came of it. Now relive your favorite worst memories from the last two tiers and then prance around with some lions for a bit.
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Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage) Phase One Raid Strategy Guide
Introduction The final fight of the Eden’s Promise raid tier, and of the Shadowbringers expansion, is Eden’s Promise
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Common Strategies
Lionsblaze & Kingsblaze
Full Uptime Lions (for speedkill)
@FrostyTVstream Uptime Lion Strat, big assist from @womble250, clips in responses, being tested and executed by McDonalds pic.twitter.com/nupr9pzyfU
— Rag'ger (@Matai_Ragger) December 9, 2020
Uptime Lion Strat
Oracle of Darkness
Oracle of Darkness | E12S
A very brainwashed Gaia seeks to take out eight warriors of light who are still distracted by how oversized her lips are and how impractical her shoe choices are. Also remember that basic is really advanced, and advanced is actually pretty basic, and if she could control short bursts in time why wouldn’t she just go back to before we defeated her and Mitron and reset it?
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Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage) Phase Two Raid Strategy Guide
This guide aims to provide tips and strategies for defeating Gaia, the Oracle of Darkness in Eden’s Promise: Eternity (Savage)
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Common Strategies
Basic + Single
Basic Relativity
Explosion First Basic Relativity: last two images are just how to handle for either dark tether setup. Light blue ice dps, pink explosion dps, blue tanks, green healers pic.twitter.com/U2pHMst7xO
— Rag'ger (@Matai_Ragger) December 9, 2020
Basic Relativity – Explosion first
Ice First Basic Relativity: last two images are just how to handle for either dark tether setup. Light blue ice dps, pink explosion dps, blue tanks, green healers pic.twitter.com/FCYR8p2JcR
— Rag'ger (@Matai_Ragger) December 9, 2020
Basic Relativity – Ice First
時間圧縮・序、全員殴れる解法はないかなって考えた結果がこれ。発動順がどうであってもデバフの種類だけの判断で動き固定できるから楽なのでは? #FF14 #E12S pic.twitter.com/nPk26jSDMl
— ジジー・ジップ? (@ZizieZip) January 6, 2021
Uptime Basic Relativity
Single Apocalypse
As of writing this, no diagram has been submitted. The mechanic is relatively straightforward:
- Wait for her to turn, go to the edge of the arena opposite from where she faced.
- Once she jumps, melee can get into range. Safe side is away from initial path movement.
- When the middle goes off, everyone stack mid for a shared hit.
- After the shared hit, everyone spread out! Spread on the opposite side where the melees were previously.
Intermediate + Dual
Intermediate Relativity
Intermediate Relativity, dps and tank healers can be swapped for aero/ice and stack+flares/eyes, you can just do true protean for fires if you dont want to think but this gives melee uptime pic.twitter.com/uOzyG15ph8
— Rag'ger (@Matai_Ragger) December 9, 2020
Intermediate Relativity Melee Fires
Unreal Uptime Intermediate Relativity
Unreal Wall Uptime Intermediate Relativity Diagrams
Dual Apocalypse
Uptime Dual Apoc
Dual Apocalypse how to have a chance to not get damage down as tank 101
Dual Apocalypse
Double Apoc Tanking Logic
Advanced + Triple
Advanced Relativity
Here is how it resolves, have a lot of room to resolve gaze. pic.twitter.com/L3oiOidnly
— Rag'ger (@Matai_Ragger) December 10, 2020
Advanced Relativity (TPS strat)
Triple Apocalypse
Triple Apocalypse
Triple Apocalypse
Triple Apocalypse: follow the light that starts in the middle to start to always find the double 3, get knockback across to open side, gives a lot of room. @ZeppeMonado pic.twitter.com/n8zvhuHWp1
— Rag'ger (@Matai_Ragger) December 10, 2020