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Eden’s Promise Eternity (Savage) | E12S

Eden's Promise (Door) 

Eden's Promise | E12S

Enrage Timer: ~10:57
DPS Check Requirement: ~126,000+
Average item level 510 or above

By our powers combined we are Captain – Fruit Snacks? Tree Lord? Mitron and Gaia did the fusion dance and this is what came of it. Now relive your favorite worst memories from the last two tiers and then prance around with some lions for a bit.

Full Fight Guides

Text Guides

Fight Resources

Partyfinder Macros

BiliBili Lions, Dwayne Boulders with T/H West

Translated from the Idyllshire Quarters Blog


Common Strategies

Trying to track down that one strategy you saw that one time? Look no further!

Primal Combinations

These are called throughout the fight.

Primal combinations

Junction Shiva

Junction Shiva

This thing HURTS. Make sure you're in heal range when you need to be.

Junction Shiva

Lyra Rose

E12S Diamond Dust simplified


Diamond Melee Uptime

Junction Titan

Junction Titan

There are many like it, but the Rock one rocks.

Dwayne Junction Titan

Mila Tenbe, Louisouix

Asymmetrical Titan


Titan Junction Darkshadow


Light PFs do Titan Backwards


Lionsblaze & Kingsblaze

Oh so affectionately known as Lion's Rampant

AFK lion rampaRt


AFK Lion RampaRt Toolbox


Bilibili (Cross) Lions Diagram | E12S Eternity Savage – Phase 01


Bilibili | E12S Big Lion cover uptime

Maki Yato on Cerberus

Bilibili E12s 希望の園エデン零式4層前半 ライオン 中国式(TT式) 参照動画


E12S Full Uptime Lions


Line Lion Strat VoD


Line Lion Toolbox


Line Lions West Safe


No Pizza With Left Lion

Bon Bons @ Hyperion

Uptime Lion Rampant by @Matai_Ragger (Toolbox)

Toolbox by IO

Uptime Lion Strat | Big Lion Bait


Uptime Lions | Bitesize Guide

Oracle of Darkness 

Oracle of Darkness | E12S

Enrage Timer: ~10:57
DPS Check Requirement: ~117,000+ (124,500 full uptime)
Average item level 510 or above

A very brainwashed Gaia seeks to take out eight warriors of light who are still distracted by how oversized her lips are and how impractical her shoe choices are. Also remember that basic is really advanced, and advanced is actually pretty basic, and if she could control short bursts in time why wouldn’t she just go back to before we defeated her and Mitron and reset it?

Full Fight Guides

Text Guides

Fight Resources

Overview Resources

Nifty resource that covers the entire encounter.

E12S-2 Visuals and Explanations

Katori Mizuno (Leviathan)

e12s mechanics and positioning


Common Strategies

Trying to track down that one strategy you saw that one time? Look no further!
Basic + Single

Basic Relativity

Check your positioning, things can flip!

Basic Relativity

Lyra Rose

Basic Relativity Healer First

Haru Yoshino

Basic Relativity – Explosion first


Basic Relativity – Ice First


Uptime Basic Relativity


Single Apocalypse

Just don't get hit.

As of writing this, no diagram has been submitted. The mechanic is relatively straightforward:

Intermediate + Dual

Intermediate Relativity

Check your debuffs and resolve them in the order opposite to their duration!

Intermediate Relativity

Lyra Rose

Intermediate Relativity Melee Fires

Unreal Uptime Intermediate Relativity

Unreal Wall Intermediate Relativity Aero + Stack PoV


Unreal Wall Intermediate Relativity Ice + Flare PoV


Unreal Wall Uptime Intermediate Relativity

Dual Apocalypse

In which tanks inevitably get damage down.
Advanced + Triple

Advanced Relativity

It's downtime!

Advanced Relativity (TPS)

Lyra Rose / TPS

Triple Apocalypse

In which multiple people probably get damage down.

Triple Apocalypse

Lyra Rose

Triple Apocalypse

@Matai_Ragger / @ZeppeMonado

Know a strategy not listed here?

Contact us to add it, or reach out on our discord server!

Resources listed are crowd sourced from the community.
If you’re the owner and would like to see it removed or modified, please to fix it!

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