Ultima Weapon
Enrage Timer: ~14:04
The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate), affectionately known as UWU, was released with patch 4.31 on June 5, 2018. The Wandering Minstrel tells tale of how the Warrior of Light, somehow yet again, bests the Ultimate Weapon and the primals it consumed.
Full Fight Guides
Text Guides

The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate) Clees Guide
The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate), also called Ultima Weapon (Ultimate), is a high-end duty added in patch 4.31: Under
Timelines and Planning Resources
Video Guides

The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate) – Visual Guide
Tessan Twintails

Common Strategies
Trying to track down that one strategy you saw that one time? Look no further!