Dragon King Thordan
King Thordan
Dragonsong’s Reprise, was released with patch 6.11 on April 26, 2022. Players face a series of bosses from the Dragonsong War story ark from the Heavensward expansion.
Full Fight Guides
Text Guides

Nashira Dragonsong’s Reprise Text Guide
I hope this document proves useful to your early prog while we’re all trying to figure out this fight! Needless to say, heavy spoilers ahead. Continue at your own risk if you’re looking to go blind.
Video Guides
Fight Resources
Timelines and Planning Resources
Common Strategies
Trying to track down that one strategy you saw that one time? Look no further!
Limit Cut
Because counting is hard.
Placehoder text and stuff. The fight just launched!
Because the other mechanics were putting you to sleep.