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FFXIV Girls Only

The server provides a female friendly safe space, free from judgment and harassment for all girls in Eorzea!
Our goal is to create a community of female gamers that share static groups, FCs, leveling, treasure hunts, and more, but most of all, friendships! This is a pressure free server and is designed to create a fun environment to meet new girls in the game, while maintaining a safe space.

FFXIV RP Event Calendar

FFXIV RP Event Calendar

The FFXIV RP Event Calendar is a collection of current roleplay events that has been in the works since late 2015 distributed automatically through over 850 separate discord communities. These events range from taverns to performance events, fight clubs to nightclubs, and even bookstores or in game pop culture conventions.

Ultimate Crystal Resources

Ultimate Crystal Raiding

UCR is Crystal’s Discord for connecting with like minded raiders who want the challenge of clearing the hardest content. Its members take on the challenge of pugging ultimates, both learning and clearing, using strats unified with the Aether and Primal sister discords, allowing members to easily go to any datacenter and pug Ultimates.

Ultimate Uncoiled

Ultimate Uncoiled is a community focused on clearing and recruiting for Ultimate fights as you progress through the content. Resources such as POVs, notes, and guides are provided to help those who are tackling the fights. Mentors are provided to help with questions and are dedicated to giving advice that helps players clear the fights.

Crystal Roleplaying

The most active FFXIV Roleplaying community anchored at our thousands strong Discord. We sponsor RP activities, resource guides, LFRP, Free Company recruiting, calendars and event promotion, raffles and more! Follow us on Tumblr, Facebook, Twitter and the Web!

FFXIV Fan Fest

A FFXIV Fan Fest and IRL meet-up community for past and future events. Providing archives for the 2018 global Fan Fests, planning guides and advice, meet-up support, and event calendars.

Centurio Hunts

We provide all FFXIV Data Centers with a place to share hunts, trains, fates, and maps. The platform aims to provide equal access to hunt knowledge for the community as a means of empowering the most people possible.

Aether Bozja/Baldesion Arsenal

ABBA (Aether Bozja/Baldesion Arsenal) is a server for completing content in end-game Eureka-ish content. We have friendly and experienced leaders, guides, a queue system and more!

Crystal Exploratory Missions

A discord server for group finding for Exploratory Missions including Eureka, Baldesion Arsenal, Diadem, and Bozja

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