Emerald Weapon
Enrage Timer: ~10:57
DPS Check Requirement: ~83,700+
Average item level 500 or above
Your recent victories have led to the discovery of vital information regarding the Weapon project, confirming the existence of a warmachina code-named “Emerald.” It falls to you to spearhead a preemptive strike before this menace can be unleashed upon the world.
Full Fight Guides
Text Guides

Emerald Weapon (Extreme) Full Guide with Clear PoVs
Phantom Wings (Gilgamesh)
A text guide posted to reddit provided by Phantom Wings for the Castrum Marinum (Extreme) encounter facing the Emerald Weapon.

Castrum Marinum (Extreme)
Introduction In Castrum Marinum (Extreme) players face off the Emerald Weapon, a fight in the Sorrow of Werlyt
Video Guides
Fight Resources & Common Strategies
Trying to track down that one strategy you saw that one time? Look no further!