The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate) Clees Guide

The Weapon’s Refrain (Ultimate), also called Ultima Weapon (Ultimate), is a high-end duty added in patch 4.31: Under the Moonlight. The fight can be unlocked by speaking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane ( 11.6, 12.6 ) after completing Sigmascape V4.0 (Savage). The minimum ilvl to enter this fight is i370, but can be bypassed […]
The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) Clees Guide

The Unending Coil of Bahamut (Ultimate) is a high-end duty added in patch 4.11: The Legend Returns. It can be unlocked by speaking to the Wandering Minstrel in Kugane ( 11.6, 12.6 ) after completing Deltascape V4.0 (Savage). The minimum ilvl to enter this fight is i340, but can be bypassed with a full party. All […]
Eden’s Gate – Resurrection (Savage) Raid Strategy Guide

Introduction This guide aims to provide tips and strategies for defeating Ramuh, the Heritor of Levin in Eden’s Verse – Fulmination (Savage). Ramuh is the first raid encounter in the Eden’s Verse raid, available February 18, 2020 in Patch 5.2. Players must have completed the Quest “Life Finds a Way” and talk to Lewrey in […]
Eden’s Gate (Savage)

Community created video guides and text guides for the Eden’s Gate (Savage) tier.
Eden’s Verse – Refulgence (Savage) Raid Strategy Guide

Introduction In Eden’s Verse Refulgence (Savage) players will face off the yet again reincarnated version of Shiva, embodied by Ryne. This is the final boss of the Eden’s Verse Raid which was implemented in patch 5.2 on February 18, 2020. Players must complete the quest “Life Finds a Way” and talk to Lewrey in Amh Araeng […]
Eden’s Verse – Furor (Savage) Raid Strategy Guide

Introduction Eden’s Verse Furor (Savage) is the second fight of the Eden’s Verse raid tier. Players will face off against Garuda, Ifrit, and the fusion of Garuda and Ifrit known as Raktapaksa. This fight was added with patch 5.2 on February 18, 2020 in Patch 5.2. Players must have completed the quest “Life Finds a […]
Eden’s Verse – Fulmination (Savage) Raid Strategy Guide

Introduction Players will face off the lightning element based primal Ramuh in the first fight of the Eden’s Verse tier, Eden’s Verse Fulmination (Savage). This fight was released with patch 5.2 on Feburary 18, 2020. Players must have completed the quest “Life Finds a Way” and speak to Lewrey in Amh Araeng (X:26.8, Y:16.4). An […]
Eden’s Verse (Savage)

Community created video guides and text guides for the Eden’s Verse (Savage) tier.

Community created video guides and text guides for the Unending Coil of Bahamut (UCoB), Ultima Weapon’s Refrain (UwU), and the Epic of Alexander ultimate fights.