The Cloud Deck (Extreme) Raid Strategy Guide

Introduction In the Cloud Deck (Extreme) players will face off against the Diamond Weapon as part of the Sorrows of Werlyt series, available April 13, 2021 in Patch 5.5. Players must have completed the Quest Forever at Your Side and speak with the Warmachina Fanatic in the Lochs (X:11.5 Y:22.5). Players must be item level […]
The Whorleater (Unreal)

Leviathan Item Level Requirement: 430+ You’re telling me there’s only one head this time? But I thought there was two? What do you mean this is the first Leviathan and the first Leviathan has one head? I thought the First’s Leviathan had two? This is making my head, and camera, spin. Wait WHERE DID THE […]
Delubrum Reginae Savage

Unlocking & Preparation Quest: Starts at Troubled GentlemanAfter meeting the following requirements, players must speak with the troubled gentleman in Gangos (X:6.6 Y:5.0) to unlock this duty. Completion of the quest “Fit for a Queen” (Normal) Resistance rank of 15 or higher Amassed at least 700,000 mettle All effects are the same as Normal, with […]
Machinist Guide

Machinist is a fast-paced ranged DPS that specializes in abusing raid buffs with flexible burst timings and maintaining uninterrupted DPS through most mechanics thanks to their mobility.
Emerald Weapon (Extreme) Full Guide with Clear PoVs

A text guide posted to reddit provided by Phantom Wings for the Castrum Marinum (Extreme) encounter facing the Emerald Weapon.
Dragoon Guide

Dragoon is a very static melee dps Job. You have strict, long combos to execute and timers within those combos that need to be maintained. This guide covers the basics and some optimization of the job!
Hauffen’s Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) Guide

New extreme trial in 5.3, unlocked after completing Hope’s Confluence Main Story Quest and talking with the Minstreling Wanderer in The Crystarium.
Cinder Drift (Extreme) Raid Strategy Guide

Introduction This guide aims to provide tips and strategies for defeating Ramuh, the Heritor of Levin in Eden’s Verse – Fulmination (Savage). Ramuh is the first raid encounter in the Eden’s Verse raid, available February 18, 2020 in Patch 5.2. Players must have completed the Quest “Life Finds a Way” and talk to Lewrey in […]
The Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme)

Introduction In the Seat of Sacrifice (Extreme) players will face off against the Warrior of Light (WoL). Players must complete the quest “Hope’s Confluence” and talk to the Minstreling Wanderer in the Crystarium (X:7.5 Y:12.5). The required item level to enter is 480 or higher. This fight was added to the game on August 10, 2020 […]
The Epic of Alexander Raid Strategy Guide

Introduction Hello everyone this is Lyra here. This started as a Living Liquid only document and expanded further as I progressed further into the fight. I now have cleared (sry for bad quality) and have more time on my hands, so I will delve into the fight in more depth. This guide will go in-depth […]