Eden's Verse (Savage)
Eden’s Verse: Fulmination (E5S)
High-uptime encounter with standard
Eden’s Verse: Furor (E6S)
Eden’s Verse: Iconoclasm (E7S)
This encounter is very sensitive to add phase kill time (to ensure {!Fight or Flight) and {!Requiescat} line up with phase 3 without losing usages). Optimal early phase rotations for specific add phase kill times are listed, although optimal late phase rotations are dependent on boss kill time (only the fastest possible late phase rotations are shown, since boss kill time may be uncertain, to guarantee maximum Requiescat usages).
The Epic of Alexander
P2 – Brute Justice & Cruise Chaser
Party-specific. Pre-pull {Fight or Flight} (6th Hawk Blaster) is optimal for this phase. Try to maximize AoE with