Ultima’s Bane (Unreal)

Ultimate Weapon Enrage Timer: ~12:00 DPS Check Requirement: ~83,700+ You’d think for something called the Ultimate Weapon it would kind of be a one-and-done deal. But this is like the fifth? sixth? Time we’re facing off again? He’s starting to come after the Titan iteration record. Anyways we totally meant all of that devastation. SUBMIT […]
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TEA Guide Translated by Meletti Amaro

Translated Korean TEA guide with diagrams and simulator.
Asphodelos: The Third Circle | P3S

The Phoinix | P3S Enrage Timer: ~10:57 DPS Check Requirement: ~106,000+ (125,000 full uptime) Average item level 580 or above Some guy is running right towards you and he seems upset. So what does the Warrior of Light do? Beat them up. I’m sure that’s what he needs right now. Maybe we should’ve tried a […]
Asphodelos: The Fourth Circle | P4S

Hesperos Part I | P4S Enrage Timer: ~7:12 DPS Check Requirement: ~48,000 Average item level 580 or above What is it with raid bosses and daddy issues? Face off against someone who wishes he was Lahabrea’s son, but isn’t. Guess what?! It’s another door boss! Your favorite! SUBMIT RESOURCE Full Fight Guides Text Guides Video […]
Asphodelos: The Second Circle | P2S

The Hippokampos | P2S Enrage Timer: ~10:57 DPS Check Requirement: ~106,000+ (125,000 full uptime) Average item level 575 or above Can someone tell me why we’re in a sewer? They’re masters of creation magic, including unmaking things. Couldn’t they just unmake the waste? Why does it smell so bad? And what the hell is THAT? Time […]
Asphodelos: The First Circle | P1S

Some guy is running right towards you and he seems upset. So what does the Warrior of Light do? Beat them up. I’m sure that’s what he needs right now. Maybe we should’ve tried a stoic nod first.
Zodiark’s Fall (Extreme)

Zodiark Enrage Timer: ~12:00 DPS Check Requirement: ~83,700+ I’d probably be pretty pissed too if you wanted to kill my pet bird or something. Also, like, if the jail cell you’d been imprisoned in for several millennia was finally broken, would you really stick around to fight the person who set you free? Run you […]
Hydaelyn’s Call (Extreme)

Hydaelyn Enrage Timer: ~12:00 DPS Check Requirement: ~83,700+ Mom wants to fight to prove you’re strong enough to defeat a bunch of birds, but if she wasn’t as strong as Zodiark, and we beat Zodiark, what exactly is this proving? Mom if you’re gonna run out of energy doing this, couldn’t you like, make me […]

Reaper (PRP) guides, best-in-slot gearsets, openers, rotational tips, tricks, and the basics of the DPS job.