Marker Placement

1. Sonic Howl = AOE
2. Ruby Glow = AOE into 4 square reflect
3. Topaz Stone with Green puddle = Go to safe corner.
4. While in safe corner the party will need to avoid tanks and the tanks will need to avoid each other
5. Venomous Mass = Tank debuff, forced swap mechanic (this is an aoe on the MT) gives vuln up.
6. Toxic Crunch = Tank buster right after Venomous Mass
7. Green puddle = need 2 players per puddle to soak. 2 inside and 2 outside.
8. Venomous Mass = Tank debuff, forced swap mechanic (this is an aoe on the MT) gives vuln up.
9. Toxic Crunch = Tank buster right after Venomous Mass
10. Ruby Glow = AOE into half arena reflect
Double Rush
11. Double Rush = Rushes from half arena to 1 corner then back to the other corner, second half has a knockback. Stand behind the boss in the half with Topaz Crystal, once he charges walk through to the safe half and use knockback prevention and mitigation, charge does big AOE damage.
Note: Boss can start Double Rush into Topaz side first.
Note: You can stand in front of the boss on the second dash but it does increased damage.
12. Sonic Howl = AOE
13. Ruby Glow = AOE into 4 square reflect
14. Topaz Stone = Boss will spawn 2 crystals then 2 crystals then 3 then 3 again. Safe zones will be the areas the crystals didn’t spawn in, in that order. First 2 sets will have 2 safe squares, last 2 sets will have 1 safe square.
Note: All you need to do is find the first safe zone and third safe zone. The second and fourth will always be adjacent to them.
15. Venomous Mass = Tank debuff, forced swap mechanic (this is an aoe on the MT) gives vuln up.
16. Toxic Crunch = Tank buster right after Venomous Mass
17. Venom Surge = Light party stacks into baited aoes in center then spread into clock positions for spread aoes.
18. Venom Squall = Clock position spread aoe into bated aoe into center into light party stacks.
19. Claw to Tail or Tail to Claw = Boss will cleave one side of the arena then the reverse. Walk through the boss once the respective cleave is finished to avoid the follow up.
Tail = One rear cleave
Claw = 6 Front cleaves followed by a 7th charged front cleave.
20. Satiated AkA Teeth Mario Kart = Boss creates 8 ground markers and a teeth marker. Same as normal, dodge last to first.
Pattern 1
PATTERN 1: Teeth will start in 1 corner, go clockwise 3 spaces then go counter clockwise 4 spaces.
Pattern 2
PATTERN 2: Teeth will start in 1 corner, go clockwise 1 space then go counter clockwise 4 spaces then go clockwise 2 spaces.
The group would start at 2 then move to 1 and end on 4 as the boss is jumping in the teeth order.
21. 4x Green puddles = 4 puddles will spawn, 1 in each cardinal direction. All but 1 of the puddles is supposed to fail / not be soaked to spawn a green slime the boss needs to eat.
Using clock positions will assist in a smooth transition.
Both tanks will stack on either North OR South puddles.
East and West puddles will be soaked by the 3 players on their respective sides.
Post Devour Phase
22. Sonic Howl = AOE
23. Ruby Glow = AOE with half room reflect and 5 Topaz. 3 on one side and 2 on the other side.
24. Venom Pool = Will drop green slime on light party groups. These AOEs turn the Topaz crystals into green puddles. Find which half of the room has 2 Topaz crystals and stack light parties on each one to turn them green.
25. Searing Ray = AOE reflected back at the boss like in normal, stand in the safe half of the arena.
26. Raging Claw = 180 Degree cleave in front of the boss, goes through reflect.
Venomous + Ruby
27. Venomous Mass = Tank debuff, forced swap mechanic (this is an aoe on the MT) gives vuln up.
28. Toxic Crunch = Tank buster right after Venomous Mass
29. Ruby Glow = AOE into 4 square reflect
30. Topaz Stones with Green Puddles = Light party split either North/South or East/West on side without Topaz.
31. Venom Surge = Light party stacks into baited aoes in center then spread to avoid each other’s AOEs.
32. Venom Squall = Spread to avoid each other’s AOEs into bated aoe into center into light party stacks.
33. X4 Green puddles = 2 players in each puddle. Same as the start of the fight but different placement. For smooth resolution, give closest puddles to melee and furthest to ranged.
34. Claw to Tail or Tail to Claw = Boss will cleave one side of the arena then the reverse. Walk through the boss once the respective cleave is finished to avoid the follow up.
Tail = One rear cleave
Claw = 6 Front cleaves followed by a 7th charged cleave
35. Venomous Mass = Tank debuff, forced swap mechanic (this is an aoe on the MT) gives vuln up.
36. Toxic Crunch = Tank buster right after Venomous Mass
37. Sonic Howl = AOE
38. Ruby Glow = AOE into 4 square reflect.
39. Topaz Stones = Will spawn 2 Topaz Crystals in each square.
40. Venom Pool = Call out a square for all 8 players to go to, stack light parties on the Topaz Crystals to turn them into green puddles.
41. Double rush = Rushes from half arena to 1 corner then back to the other corner, second half has a knockback. Stand behind the boss once he charges use knockback prevention and mitigation for the second charge, charge does big AOE damage.
Note: You can stand in front of the boss on the second dash but it does increased damage.
42. Venomous Mass = Tank debuff, forced swap mechanic (this is an aoe on the MT) gives vuln up.
43. Toxic Crunch = Tank buster right after Venomous Mass
44. Sonic Howl = AOE
45. Venom Surge = Light party stacks into baited AOEs in center then spread into clock positions for spread aoes.
46. Venom Squall = Clock position spread AOE into bated aoe into center into light party stacks.
47. Claw to Tail or Tail to Claw = Boss will cleave one side of the arena then the reverse. Walk through the boss once the respective cleave is finished to avoid the follow up.
Tail = One rear cleave
Claw = 6 Front cleaves followed by a 7th charged cleave
48. Venomous Mass = Tank debuff, forced swap mechanic (this is an aoe on the MT) gives vuln up.
49. Toxic Crunch = Tank buster right after Venomous Mass.