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Twitch: (Thank you guys for watching!)
0:30 – Important Notes
1:05 – Party Setup + Markers
1:20 – Hells Judgement + Shockwave Pulsar
1:34 – Stack Spread or Spread Stack.
2:17 – Darkest Dance (Boss jumps and hits the furthest person away, knockback from boss’s spin move)
3:11 – Basic Relativity
8:03 – Singular Apocalypse
9:15 – Shell Crusher, Spirit Taker (Stack then Spread)
9:36 – Intermediate Relativity
12:05 – Duel Apocalypse (Tank movements change depending on the pattern. See the note below for a deeper explanation!)
13:57 – Advanced Relativity
16:18 – Triple Apocalypse
17:34 – Terminal Relativity, x3 Shockwave Pulsars, Enrage.

*Duel Apocalypse Tank Movement – From Venom (Our Glorious Raid Leader)
The tank movement also changes if it’s th e Good Pattern or Bad Pattern. For “Bad Pattern”, the MT should be “following” the Explosion that started N and end up as far E or W (depending on the rotation) as you can get before the first jump hits. If it’s the “Good Pattern”, the MT wants to take note of which one out of the sides will be going N first, and take the far away hit on the side where it HAD just exploded (it will then explode N after). This will allow the OT to take their hit for this relative N ish.

Advanced Relativity Movement Cheat Sheet


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